The Portfolio of Desiree Gelfand

3D Modeling

All images can be right-clicked to view in full-size.

These models were all created in Maya and are arranged in chronological order, with the newest at the top.

Afghanistan (2010)
Internship - Afghanistan (2010)
The above three images are of a model I created from scratch during my second internship. It was the third and final model I made of Afghanistan. It was done using Maya. I created the 3D model using actual data collected from book and internet resources.
Afghanistan (2010)
Afghanistan (2010)
Museum – This is actually my favorite project that I've yet done in Maya. It incorporated all I had previously learned and was a much more solid rendering. It was very pretty to behold!
Bedroom – While creating this model, I was introduced to using transparencies and water effects, as well as touching on lighting.